Five things you don't know about me ..
First of all, you guys don't know where my nickname 'shane' came from..My korean name is '이현(Lee Hyun)' and the word '현-炫(Hyun)'means 'shine'
So, I got inspiration from the pronunciation .
two words have similar pronunciation.
For that reason, my nickname 'Shane' derived from 'Shine'
Second, I'm on a diet ..these days..I hope that i have skinny body!!!!!!It's my STRONG WISH .. my aim is loosing 8kg !!I wanna wear super skinny jeans.. it's my strong desire (T.T)So I restrain my appetite and eat vegetables, sweetpotato, lowfat milk ...I will made it!! at any cost!!!!!
Third, I had a pet.. but.. he diedI'm fond of pet! dogs,cats...
but i have no ability to raising them..I raised my dog..
but the dog was stricken with disease.. and he died.
I was so sad that i coudn't stop crying ..
Fourth, I love to do excercise..~!!
Especially, I love yoga ~~~~!It makes me feel refreshed ~! and my spine be smoothed..
It's good to my health~!!I can't stress enough what a great excersie it is..~~~
I strongly recommend you for try it.
Fifth, I love this class, and it's so exciting to take this class.
I love my classmates.. even though they're not very talkative, make class quiet..
They're nice and cool !So i enjoy my every class and talk with them!!